Whether it's brand new terra cotta pots, antique ceramic planters, dixie cups, or even an old pair of rain boots with holes poked in the bottom, if it will hold dirt, someone will think to plant in it. Why? What's wrong with the ground? Nothing really, but there are notable benefits to planting in containers.
Plants in containers are easier to control.
Container gardening gives you complete control over everything that your plants are exposed to. Soil, moisture, nutrients, pesticides, and to some extent, pests and disease are all easier to control when you plant in containers. You can also control exposure to the elements, bringing in your tropicals during the cold months.
Choosing a commercial planting soil mix or creating your own planting medium recipe will greatly reduce the chances of exposing your plant to fungus and soil-borne parasites.
It's just another excuse for gardeners to be creative (as if we needed an excuse).
You can use just about anything as a planter, and most gardeners will. I read a story a few days ago about a lady who got in trouble with her HOA for planting in toilets in her front yard. Personally, I've seen old boats, cars, and bath tubs, but of course, this is the south.
Click here to enter the Wayside Gardens Photo Contest!
If you've got a container garden that you are proud of, send us a nice photo and you could win a $50 gift certificate.