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Dealing With Mosquitoes In Your Garden

Posted By Ashleigh Bethea on Aug 31, 2016 | 0 comments

Mosquitoes: those uninvited guests that love to give the gift that keeps on itching. These pests have plagued humanity since they burst from Pandora’s box and we’ve been at war with them ever since. Instead of constant swatting and harsh chemicals why not try some smart solutions to keep your garden pest free.

Remove possible breeding sites.

If you have a mosquito problem, it is likely that you are breeding them in your own garden. Taking a few small preventative measures and eliminating possible breeding spots will greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes plaguing your outdoor spaces.

Water scopes in outdoors stores stagnant water and breeding ground for mosquito

Always clear out areas with stagnant water as it is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes

Mosquitoes require standing water for laying eggs and maturing larvae. Most often the source may not be obvious. Buckets, barrels, garbage cans, or pools of standing water left by a leaky faucet could be causing your problem.

Flush out birdbaths at least once a week. Make sure you roof gutters and your street gutters stay clear and clean. Do not water your lawn too often letting water pool for days at a time. If you live in a particularly rainy area, you may want to fill in low spots that tend to puddle, or you could even plant a few moisture loving plants to soak up the excess water.

Welcome mosquito predators

Mosquitoes’ natural predators include birds, toads, dragonflies, and fish. Dragonflies, toads and frogs  are probably going to be your biggest allies.

frog in a flowerpot plus a golden marigold

Frogs and marigolds are two great defenses against mosquitoes

Place birdhouses and toad homes in your backyard to entice them to stay around and eat your mosquitoes. What’s a toad home, you ask? Simply upturn a terracotta pot onto some moist ground and leave a small space for the guest to enter and wait. Toads aren’t picky and will happily move right in – especially if you’ve got a fully stocked pantry of skeeters to munch on.

Dragonflies usually inhabit the same places as mosquitoes, but adding a few water plants can make them feel a bit more at home. You can try cattails, bulrushes, or any other tall grassy water plants that are native to your area.

If you have a pond or a large enough water feature stocking with mosquitofish and guppies will greatly reduce the frequency of mosquito larvae. Dragonfly larvae will also feed on the mosquito larvae.

Plant Things They Hate 

Citronella Grass and oil on citronella grass leave background ** Note: Shallow depth of field

Citronella Grass and oil are time tested and effective methods of pest control

Citronella is an ever popular option, but there are others such as marigolds, bee balm (aka Horsemint), catnip (more fun for kitty too!) and ageratum that do a fantastic job of keeping these infamous blood suckers at bay. Most of these plants emit a pungent odor that the bugs can’t stand which makes them more likely to avoid your garden altogether.

By implementing these simple changes you and your guests can finally enjoy your garden in peace.

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